How can I register (un)excused absences?

Diese Funktion kann nur am PC verwendet werden.

It is possible to record absences within the activity. To do this, open the activity in the (team) calendar as usual.

  1. Go to  Calendar on the left side of the screen
  2. Select the relevant activity
  3. Click on  to the right of Registrations
  4. Choose   Handle absences

A pop-up window will open where you can click on  for excused absence and   for unexcused absence. 

  1. Click on the players who were not at the activity on  or   
  2. Enter a comment to record the reason for absence (optional)
  3. Click on Save

The comments will then be displayed in the activity.

Example: Klaus Treasurer and Tom Player were absent without excuse, Chris Player was absent with excuse.

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